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ERM believes the path to reconciling the desires and needs of our young generations with those of the society at large is through education, mentorship and empowerment.


ERM applicates this path via a in-depth roadmap covering what we consider to be the key fundamental stimuli and triggers that positively shift and guide our young audience to excel and illuminate their mind set for creativity, productivity and community.   


This roadmap consist of content rich stimuli and program applications that elevate the following markers; 


Self Esteem 

Self Worth 

Self Efficacy

Self Responsibility 


When heighten these markers infuse the ability to promote critical and forward thinking, follow through, proactivity and emotional intelligence among youth and young adults.   


Determining the impact of a youth program is important for many reasons. Identifying which aspects of the program worked, and which did not, has help us build a better program.


Improvements to the business environment have a positive influence on our youth and system. Measuring the impact of institutional changes can facilitate new goals for future programs and help develop a business association for an effective youth strategy. 


Before implementing a program, we understood the importance of gaining a clear picture of how our organization envisioned a successful outcome. This insight was went beyond conducting assessments and evaluations to asking core questions among our team and the community.  


After many years our methodology, process and case studies were derived from the following key and target specific questions; 


What will change be as a result of the project?

Will more youth start businesses? 

Will more youth become employed?

Why does the program matter? 

How will the local community and society at large benefit?


The success of our programs and curriculums are a result of meticulous design, planning and execution that exceed temporary solutions to focus on long term impacts that benefit the youth and the system as a collective symbiotic whole.


To ensure the permanent impact of our programs ERM positions and aligns its leadership with relevant social, political and sustainable movements. 

These ERM frameworks and case studies attract media attention, public awareness and encourages greater participation and funding.


The ERM’s youth programs are helping build a new generation of successful entrepreneurs and leaders who will also become the next generation of mentors, volunteers and advocates.

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